Today I met with my two AMAZING administrative assistants, Linda and Martha. We were going through the calendar, and I expressed my frustration with how quickly time was moving. In our jobs, it always seems we are living in the future. We are planning for a future board meeting, ensuring attendance at future events, communicating with others regarding future plans. As we sat together planning, we shared some laughs, told some stories, and enjoyed each other's company. It was at that moment that I realized, we were living in the present and only just planning for the future!
I am a reader. I love stretching my brain by reading books. Currently, I am reading the book, Presence; Bringing your Boldest Self to your Biggest Challenges by Amy Cuddy. Throughout this book, the author writes about the importance of being present, living in the moment, taking up space, or showing up. It is amazing how the brain changes and our future changes when we live in the present. I especially enjoyed the section on "showing up." Many times I have mentioned that often times we get credit for things just by showing up. In particular, the author spoke about the importance of showing up in times of crisis, trauma, or sadness. I couldn't help think about my dogs, Peetie and Bella. I love them so dearly, and they epitomize living in the present and showing up. No matter when I come home, they are there to happily greet me as if I am a long lost friend finally home from a month long journey. Whenever I am feeling down or discouraged, they snuggle up to me and provide me comfort just by being there. One section of the book reminded me of my friend and colleague, David Isom. "Sometimes we express ourselves most eloquently by not expressing anything--by allowing our presence, unexplained and unembellished, to speak for itself." It is called the Ministry of Presence. How many times do we find ourselves in a present situation expressing desire for something better in the future? By just being there, we embrace our present to make our futures different and brighter.
This past week, I had the wonderful opportunity of spending lunch time with a student whom I met a few weeks ago when visiting an elementary school. The student and I connected somehow by sharing maggot stories. I was so excited to bring him a present which was the book written by Camilla de la Bedoyere entitled, Would You Rather Dine with a Dung Beetle or Lunch with a Maggot? I had other books about snakes, insects, and scary animals to bring him. I had found some plastic insects that I taped all over the gift wrapped books. We had a delightful time reading books, sharing stories, and learning interesting facts that we never knew. I realized that I received the best present that day....enjoying the present.
The best part about living in the present is having wonderful past memories! Wishing you a wonderful present which will pave the way for fond memories and a bright future. ENJOY!
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