- Our community leaders have joined together to revitalize Faith PAC (Faith Partners and Community) with a focus on making lives better for the youth in our community.
- An 8th grade student was working on creating a new video game at one of our middle schools.
- Two of our students will be dancing with Justin Bieber this weekend.
- One of our juniors in high school nearly broke a four minute mile by crossing the finish line at 4:14!
- Students at one of our schools inquired as to when salads will return on the school lunch menu. This prompted a future visit to to their class with our Director of Child Nutrition.
- The parent advisory members provided input to our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).
- Hokki stools arrived and made many teachers and students very happy!
- Students at our middle schools are using their chromebooks to enhance their learning.
- I received emails from two teachers who have participated in recruitment trips. This feedback was super positive--"I loved that experience!!! It was so exciting to meet potential teachers and hear about what they're learning in their teaching program. I would love to do it again if the opportunity arises. We really do have a strong and very contemporary school district so I was proud to represent it."
- Everyone in Administrative Council actively participated in an LCAP exercise which deepened understanding and helped with strengthening a shared vision.
According to Elizabeth Scott, a stress management expert, there are many effective techniques that focus on the benefits of a positive outlook. "Positive thinking brings great benefits, and a cheerful attitude can be contagious in a most enjoyable way. A constant focus on the negative can obscure many of the joys of life, can dampen an attitude of gratitude, and can be experienced as an 'energy drain' to others."
What if, for one whole day, people could only utter positive comments or communicate with positivity? I enjoyed reading about the Spread Positivity Campaign at spreadpositivity.org. I loved their idea of hosting a Compliment Party. The idea behind the event is to bring and emphasize the value of using an honest compliment as a way to make others feel good. The party also emphasizes the importance of consciously acknowledging and thanking people who often get taken for granted.
So, in the spirit of the compliment party...
Thank you Joe for taking the concerns about the hand towel dispensers seriously and for holding high standards of cleanliness in our schools.
Thank you Chief Allio for your compassionate leadership of the Fairfield Police Department and for maintaining a positive focus regarding the youth in our community.
Thank you Ana for advocating for those who may not have a voice and ensuring everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
Thank you Donna for your daily cheerful greeting of anyone and everyone who walks in our front door.
Thank you Todd for taking responsibility for your decisions that impact recess and lunch.
Thank you Maria for maintaining your focus on assisting a parent in need.
That felt GREAT! It's true. I feel healthier, less stressed, and more motivated...just three benefits of positive thinking. Pass it on!

Your positive message is spreading back to the midwest in South Dakota- A Knutson