Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Be patient! I am a new to blogging!

About ten years ago, I was part of a group project.  We met occasionally, but most of the work was supposed to be done in wiki.  I was paralyzed, and I believe I found a way out of the project.  I also recall when I went back to school to get my Master's Degree.  The first meeting had a demonstration on how to access the internet.  I remember thinking that I would have to quit the program because I knew nothing about this strange thing called the internet.
Fast forward a number of years....I am now fairly proficient on using Twitter and Facebook.  I definitely know how to text and email!  (Unfortunately, I think that too many people know this skill too well and forget to have face to face conversations!)  With the vast changes in social media, it is difficult to keep up.  Nevertheless, I am willing to try!
One of my New Year's Resolutions is that I would begin a blog post.  This is my first published post.  I am anxious and excited as I enter the whole new world of blogging.  I can empathize with the learners in our district as I beg people to be kind, patient, and encouraging. I am just learning!

1 comment:

  1. Great start!

    From one blogger to another, the words will begin to flow, and the next time you look you will have a number of entries that will be shared with the world. Here's a link to my blog. Rob Martinez
